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Privacy policy

At MaroWays Ltd, we know that the protection of your personal data is of the utmost importance. For this reason, we are careful in the protection and handling of the personal data that you entrust to us.

This privacy policy applies to the handling of personal data by MaroWays Ltd, and aims to explain to customers and website visitors the reasons why we handle their personal data, the kinds of personal data that we handle, the rights we guarantee and the bases for handling personal data.

The handling of personal data is carried out in accordance with the stipulations of (EU) Regulation 2016/697 regarding the protection of individuals in the context of the handling of personal data and the flow of the aforementioned data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), in compliance with national legislation and the latest guidelines on the protection of personal data.

In order to provide you with a satisfactory user experience and to be able to work with you properly, we will ask you for certain personal data. We will only ever ask you for personal data that are absolutely necessary for us to be able to work with you, at your request, and your data will be used in accordance with the purpose for which they were provided. We are committed to handling the personal data that you entrust to us lawfully and fairly, so your personal data will not in any way be used for any other purpose that does not relate to the reason why your personal data was originally collected.

  1. Controller of personal data

Contact details for the controller of personal data

Full nameMaroWays, turistična dejavnost d.o.o.
Head OfficeKraška ulica 2, 6210 Sežana
Fiscal code/VAT number10696113
Registration number8750378000

  1. Person authorised to protect personal data

The data controller does not handle personal data in such a quantity and in such a way as to require the appointment of a data protection officer, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

  1. Personal data

Personal data refers to all information relating to an identified or identifiable physical person. An identifiable physical person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, specifically by indicating an identifier such as name, tax code, location data or by indicating one or more factors relating to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that physical person. 

The data controller handles the following types of personal data for specific, fixed purposes:

  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Date and place of birth
  • ID number/passport number
  • Allergy information

  1. Legal bases for handling personal data

The company only handles your personal data under the following conditions:

  • on the basis of your explicit consent (GDPR Article 6, section 1, point a)
  • if the collection of your personal data is necessary to enter into a contract with you (GDPR Article 6, section 1, point b)
  • if the collection of personal data is required by current law (for example, in the case of data relating to an issued invoice) (GDPR Article 6, section 1, point c)
  • when the company has a legitimate interest in collecting personal data, except where the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual outweigh the interests of the company (GDPR Article 6, section 1, point f)

  1. Handling of personal data in accordance with legal requirements or for the purpose of closing and executing contracts

MAROWAYS Ltd handles personal data for the purpose of closing and executing contracts or for the following purposes on the basis of current legal requirements:

Issuing invoices for services renderedName and surname, address, email address
Retention period: data on the invoice issued will be retained for 10 years starting from the date of issue of the invoice.
Your personal data will be handled in accordance with legal requirements in order to issue invoices for services provided.
Booking and organisation of tourist packagesName and surname, address, email address, telephone number, ID/passport number, date of birth, allergy information
Retention period: 5 years after the provision of the service.
We handle your personal data on a contractual basis for the purpose of closing a contract for booking a travel package and organisation of services, as well as for the purpose of carrying out important communications with customers relating to the conclusion and fulfilment of the contracted services as defined by the applicable general terms and conditions. 
  1. Handling of personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest
Improving security and preventing intrusions into corporate information systemsIP addressYour personal data are handled in order to prevent intrusions into the company’s computer systems, attacks on the company’s websites and to identify critical points in the company’s computer system and improve the security of information in the company.
Use of cookies on the company websiteTechnical cookies
Storage period: during the period of time that you use the company’s website or until we receive revocation of your consent to use cookies.
In order to ensure the proper functioning of the website, we use cookies in accordance with Article 6, section 1, point f of the General Regulations. Cookies allow us to tailor the website to your needs, making it easier for you to use by showing you content that is important to you and leaving out content that is not important to you or inappropriate.
By using the website, you consent to the use of mandatory cookies. Mandatory cookies are necessary for the operation of the website. We do not store your personal data in them; instead, they contribute to the normal and proper functioning of the website. Optional cookies, which are necessary for the operation of various interfaces, are only loaded with your consent.

  1. Handling of personal data on the basis of valid consent
Implementation of communication with physical persons by means of online forms and electronic notificationsName and surname, email address, telephone number

Retention period: For marketing purposes, existing customer data is retained for as long as necessary for the purpose of communication or until consent to the handling of personal data for communication purposes is withdrawn.
On our website, we offer the possibility of contacting us by means of an online communication form. The form is used for the purpose of communicating with interested parties in connection with the organisation and operation of tourism services and providing online information.
Promotion and marketing of products and servicesName and surname, email address, telephone number

Retention period: for marketing purposes, data is retained for as long as necessary for the purpose of advertising and marketing activity, or until consent to the handling of personal data for marketing purposes is withdrawn.
Marketing and promotional activities relating to existing customers mostly include:
·         Sending news about our offers
·         Sending other important news items about our industry sector.
Publication of photos and videos of trips in order to promote the operator’s servicesPhotos, videos

Period of retention: for promotional purposes, data are retained for as long as necessary for the purpose of promotional activities or until consent to the handling of personal data for promotional purposes is withdrawn.
In order to promote our trips and other tourist services, we will publish photos of travel groups on our website and other social networks.
  1. How your personal information is collected

Your personal information will be obtained by MaroWays Ltd:

  • directly from you: if you provide us with your personal information for a specific purpose via an online form or a physical form
  • from authorised business partners (agencies) that we work with in the organisation of tourist services.
  1. Storage of personal data

The personal data that we obtain from you will be stored in an electronic or physical personal data file (depending on the type of personal data obtained). These files are properly protected by technical, organisational and logical-technical measures. Only persons authorised by MaroWays Ltd. have access to the personal data files. Furthermore, we only store personal data that is strictly necessary for a particular purpose, and only for the time necessary to achieve that purpose.

  1. Contractual handling of personal data

The nature of our business is such that we must, in some cases, share your personal information with other contracted data controllers and data processors who work with us.

  • Hotels and other accommodation providers, in order to guarantee the effective provision of the tourist services included in our package
  • Staff responsible for maintaining electronic devices and websites owned by the company
  • Accounting staff
  • Tourist guides and tour leaders who work with us by accompanying our travellers
  • Other travel agencies that we collaborate with as partners

MaroWays Ltd works only with certified contractual partners who guarantee the proper protection of your personal data by providing appropriate technical and organisational measures, handling your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

The provider will not pass on your personal data to unauthorised third parties.

Staff may only handle personal data in accordance with the instructions of the data controller and may not use personal data to pursue their own interests.

  1. Security of personal data handling

The data controller is committed to ensuring proper security in the handling of personal data on a daily basis by constantly updating and implementing security systems to ensure the secure handing of personal data. During the entire period in which we handle your personal data, it is protected against loss and destruction as well as against unauthorised access by unauthorised persons.

  1. Transmission of data to third countries or international organisations

MaroWays Ltd does not pass on the data that we collect from you to third countries or international organisations.

  1. Rights of the individual in relation to the handling of personal data

MaroWays Ltd guarantees the following rights related to personal data protection:

  • Right to withdraw consent

If, as an individual, you have consented to the handling of your personal data for one or more of the valid purposes for which personal data may be handled, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
Upon receipt of your withdrawal of consent for one or more purposes, the data controller will immediately stop handling your personal data for the stated purpose.
Withdrawing your consent to the handling of your personal data shall not affect the legality of the handling of your personal data up until the withdrawal of consent, nor the use of such personal data for legal or contractual purposes

  • Right to access your personal data that we handle

You have the right to obtain confirmation from the controller regarding whether or not your personal data are being handled, as well as access to this data and also the following information: why your data is being handled, what kind of personal data we have collected from you, the users of your personal data, the retention period and the source of the personal data.

  • Right to correct your inaccurate personal data

You have the right at any time to request that the controller corrects or supplements your inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
The controller will promptly inform you of the correction of your personal data.

  • Right to restrict the handling of your personal data

You have the right to request that the controller restricts the handling of your personal data in case of inaccuracy, illegality, cessation of the purpose of handling or objection.

  • Right to the erasure of personal data (“right to be forgotten”)

You have the right to request that the controller deletes your personal data without undue delay.
In the case of personal data deletion at your request, the controller will inform you of the deletion.

  • Right of objection

In addition to the right to withdraw consent, you may at any time request in writing that we stop using your personal data for information or marketing purposes. If you object to the handling of your data for marketing purposes, the data controller will immediately stop handling your data for such purposes.

  • Right to data portability

You have the right to have your personal data that is being handled transferred from one data controller to another, where technically feasible.

  1. Exercising your rights

All the rights established in the previous section of this document may be exercised on the basis of a request to exercise an individual right. The exercising of rights may be done physically or electronically. Requests to exercise rights should be sent by post to the following address: MaroWays, turistična dejavnost Ltd, Kraška ulica 2, 6210 Sežana or by email to:

  1. Right to complain

In the event of a violation of personal data protection, you have the right to present a complaint against the controller to the relevant supervisory authority: Informacijski pooblaščenec, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana or by email to:

  1. Threats to personal data protection

In spite of all our efforts to protect data, total security unfortunately cannot be guaranteed. There is always the possibility that a particularly aggressive intrusion into our computer systems or an unforeseen error could compromise the protection of your personal data.

You will be informed immediately in the event of a threat to the protection of your personal data, and in the case of a real likelihood that such a threat may pose a significant risk to your rights and freedoms.

In the event of a threat to the protection of your personal data, we will inform the relevant authority without undue delay, no later than 72 hours after learning of the threat to the protection of your personal data.

  1. Validity of our privacy policy

We reserve the right to change or update this data protection declaration without prior notice. The current, valid version is always published here.
Any changes to this privacy policy will be published on this website.
Version: 1.0 dated 5.1.2021

MaroWays, turistična dejavnost d.o.o.
Kraška ulica 2,
6210 Sežana
Email address:

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